Arbuckle Family 1967Kneeling front: Johnson Lewis 2nd row: Alex Arbuckle, Alex Lewis, Davis Arbuckle, Jane Lewis Back row: Lockhart Arbuckle, Thomas Alex Arbuckle, Jim Arbuckle, Carrie Arbuckle, Virginia Lewis, Louise Arbuckle, Cary Lewis, and Jane Bybee. The QuakerLeft: Isaac Sherwood right: Alex Arbuckle"The Creamery Field" Cousin MayEmily Sydenstricker and May Arbuckle The Autumn LeavesThe Autumn LeavesCarrie ArbuckleEmily SydenstrickerAnna ArbuckleJack & Mattie ArbuckleEmily ArbuckleN. Stuart ArbucklePrice McLaughlinEmily Arbuckle Becker CarrieCarrieAlex ArbuckleCarrie ArbuckleVirginia Arbuckle Lewis The Trip to MissouriCarrie's home place, the Botts farmhousew/ James Botts familyAlex Arbuckle familyw/ Frances and Jane The Top of the LadderThe tall ladder in the Belle Vue barn A Different LifeDr. Lockhart Davis ArbcukleLockhart Davis ArbuckleGladys W. ArbuckleAlex, Emily & LockLock & Julia WavelandJohn B. SydenstrickerEmily and sister Mary LynnThe old Waveland houseAn inside door facingThe front stairsOnce and old chandelierThe old front doorOnce was beautiful A Time to DieThe "Alex W. Arbuckle" houseAlex, Emily & CarrieCarrie and Alex's bedroom windowsClifton Presbyterian Church